Hello, welcome and thank you for visiting our virtual home!

Since 2015 we have been crafting antidotes to disconnection and division through public art, community camps, and experiential education. We believe that community is the foundation of our collective well-being and with our ecosystem of collaborators, we co-create experiences for people to remember, practice and cultivate the skills of life-affirming community.

Upcoming Experiences ✨✨✨

Upcoming Experiences ✨✨✨

Camp Reset 2025 10th Anniversary - Tickets go on sale in May!

Camp Reset is a 4-day adult summer camp in southeastern Ontario for 300 people from September 18 - 21, 2025 that is intended to support our [re]connection with the land, each other and ourselves. We rest, we play, we be. Everything is optional.

Camp is a Living Lab for community where we practice life-affirming ways of being. It’s a phone-free, work-free, surveillance-free, nature rich, joyful, careFULL, liminal space where no money is exchanged the primary currency is presence.

Learn more on the Camp Page and/or via our 2024 Camp Reset yearbook.

About Us

Since 2015, we have been co-created by community, building on the land, labor, and leadership of many. Our community includes two staff members, six board members, eight co-founders, then collective members and around 500 community members—primarily based in Canada, with the strongest presence in Toronto.

We envision a world where community is the foundation of collective well-being. Our mission is to co-create experiences that help people remember, practice, and cultivate the skills of life-affirming community.

Reset in the news 🎉🎉🎉

Reset in the news 🎉🎉🎉

Community Champion Award!

The City of Toronto and the United Way awarded Reset a Community Champion award for our approach to reconnecting communities during the pandemic via the +50 pop-up playground experiences that we hosted in parks and public spaces. The playgrounds were audio experiences that guided reconnection through a series of playful and prosocial activities.

Past & Present Collaborators

Reset experiences improve one’s social health by providing access to community and the opportunity to practice community.